Saturday, September 27, 2008

My "Type" of Saturday Morning!

Yay! It was neighborhood garage sale day! My neighborhood does a big garage sale 2 times a year, and today was the day. Of course today was the day we couldn't seem to get out of the house until almost 10:00am! But it was fun nonetheless! :)
The first house I went to right next door had this:

A fabulous old typewriter! Look at the cool keys...I see trying to make some jewelry from this bad boy!!

Of course my girls had fun petting every dog we passed, getting lots of goodies at the lemonade stands, and seeing their little cousin and Auntie & Uncle (who live 2 blocks away!). Hubby & I enjoyed visiting with our neighbors and getting some great sunshine!

I also found a couple other little things, but this was the best fun find of the day!

Here's hoping you have a great Saturday as well!


  1. How fun! I'm so glad you are enjoying good weather for your neighborhood sale! We are in the middle of our second day of rain. Definitely wouldn't have been much fun here! Can't wait to see what you do with those fabulous keys!

  2. I LOVE it! The journalist and history geek in me want to beg you not to take it apart. I've always wanted to collect old-fashioned tools of my trade. Someday...

    I'm sure the jewelry will be beautiful though and I can't wait to see what you make of the typewriter!

  3. My parents had an old typewriter like that when I was growing up. I wrote many reports for school on that typewriter! Can I ask what you paid for that?

  4. I paid $10! I have no idea if others have gotten them for less, but I thought it was a decent price! I know I've seen them for more.
    I love the look of this typewriter, and I'll probably do a little research on it before I decide to take it apart. If it's worth a bit, then I might not, but even if I do, I'll try to use as many of the parts of it in projects that I can so that less will end up in a landfill!
    I also really like the cool monogrammed case, and I'll probably use that for some cool storage!


  5. Ok, best I can guess from looking online, it's from the late 1930's?? and getting it for $10 was a STEAL!!! Now, what to do? We'll see!

    For those of you interested, there are affordable typewriters out there, just depends if you want it for looks or in great working order. Check garage sales, Cr*igslist, or other places for good deals.

  6. Hi, Stacey, wow you've already got your yardsale finds up! That's great, I remember those old typewriters very well. I scored some good finds myself that I'll post on Monday.

  7. Oh how precious!!! That was such a great find! Even the old case is beautiful...

  8. those keys are fabulous, have fun with them...yep that's my best way to spend a Saturday morning, or any morning lol!


  9. Whew...what a great find! What are you thinking of doing with that???Have fun!
    -Sandy toes

  10. Oh my word! That's an amazing find! I would love to find one like that and use it - if I could find ribbon for it. Something about those old keys. Awesome!

  11. Old typewriters are so fun! That's a great buy.
    I love the look of your entry table too!!!

  12. PS
    You might not want to take that treasure apart. It would be fun sitting on your entry table with a paper in it and a typed message to welcome your guests.

  13. Oh my goodness~! What a wonderful find ... Love the typewriter:) Hope you still want to get together. I wasn't sure if we had decided on a day this week or not. Just let me know if you have some free time. I'm available only on Thurs this week ... Hope to meet you soon:)

  14. I just read through your comments- As an antique dealer (and collector) I would not take it apart. From the picture, it looks like it's in good condition and would make a lovely display. I think the idea of a typed note was a wonderful suggestion. You can find the keys already taken off for not very much $... And $10 was a steal. I'd put at least $35 on it at my booths.

  15. I love old typewriters, Those keys can be a bear to remove though.
    Here's a typewriter display idea for you.
    That one is a family heirloom in my family and will never be dismantled.
    I saw this display idea in CH and had to copy it. It's great for Photos too.

    View my blog at:
