Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Belated Christmas from My Family to Yours!!
Hello, dear friends! I'm back from my blogging break, and eager to fill you in on my adventures!! I've missed our visits, but needed the time with my family :). Thanks SO much for continuing to check in on me, and "Thanks" to all of my new Followers! I'm still trying to make the rounds to visit you all!

I've gone shooting birds with my dad in Indiana (I know, can't quite "picture it" can ya?), and did well for only my 2nd time out, getting 4 pheasants, and multiple quail and partridge. My dad takes the meat, and I take the pheasant feathers to decorate with:)!! It's such a fun time, and I really enjoy the "hunt", and the time with my Dad!

I've had visits with family and friends, always a good thing! My daughter and I both had sinus infections...not fun, but we've survived. And we actually got a "White Christmas" when visiting Hubby's family in MI!!! It was so beautiful, and our girls were thrilled to play in the snow again, and to have Momma build a snowman with them!

I just realized that I'm using LOTS of exclamation points!!!!!!! :) LOL

Been working, and re-working the sunroom...you'll get to see pics eventually--hehe!

Eating tons and tons of mini-sized Heath bars, kissing my nephews all over their chubby little cheeks, and have become quite addicted to Starbucks' decaf mocha's...tall with whipped cream. Yum!

I've also been spending lots of time thinking about what constitutes "home" (y'all know I love the topic of Creating a Welcoming Home!), and what this means for our family. I'm in prayer about this and some big changes that hopefully I'll be able to share with you over the next few months. Part that I can share now involves paring down and that I'll be doing starting this week! Maybe we could work on it together??

Anyway, I know this is a hasty post, and not the most clever or well written (I hear pitter-patters upstairs, and it's supposed to be bedtime), but know from the bottom of my heart that I have truly loved our "visits" over these past months, and I love having new friends in you! Even though so many of us have never met, I've loved the relationships formed...sharing advise, praying for each other, listening, laughing, and learning along the way. Thank you all...it's blessed me more than you can know!


  1. What a beautiful picture of your family! I just love it!!!

    Enjoy your time with your family..that is what counts!
    -sandy toes

  2. I love the picture and I'm so glad you enjoyed the time with your family. Welcome back!

  3. GREAT picture!! SO glad you are back! and don't worry about the exclaimation points! I use them all the time!

  4. Hi Stacey,
    Glad you are back. I'm impressed...pheasants huh?? LOL!! I have already started my paring down and have made a couple trips to Goodwill and gave a bunch of stuff to a single mom...it feels great and I'm not done yet.


  5. Stacey, beautiful picture of your family. Hope you had a blessed Christmas and wishing you the happiest of New Years.


  6. You have a beautiful family, time well spent!
    Happy New Year and look forward to reading more of your blog.

  7. What a beautiful family!
    I had to ask "why Indiana birds?" Do we have better birds here:) Maybe that's what we could coax tourists in to do:)
    Right now I think our slogan is "wander Indiana"...that just brings people from all parts of the earth...LOL..
    I always say I moved here cause the people are so NICE!
    Anyway...I love you site. Thanks for your inspiration!

  8. glad you had a blessed christmas! love the pic of your fam, how beautiful. aren't new newphews great? i've been spoiling mine the last few days. have a safe new years eve.

  9. Welcome back...i didn't know you were taking such a big break, so I was beginning to get worried. What a great pic of the family. Beautiful!!
    I will join you on the paring down....I have stuffitis going on in our home - ugh!! Missed you and can't wait to share '09 and meet IRL (let's plan it).

  10. Beautiful picture!! Happy New Year!

  11. Great picture! It's a tough time of year to blog, at least for me it was. I love blogging, but it does produce some guilt for me too, when I don't. Happy New Year!

    PS--I am having a give away on y blog for my 100th post--come sign up!

  12. Your family picture is so wonderful. I am so glad that you had a great Christmas with family and friends...and a "white" one at that. Perfect... Happy New Year

  13. Hi, Stacey, what a pretty pic of the family & welcome back. It's been so nice to meet you this year & share all sorts of decorating ideas. I'm looking forward to a fun 2009 and many more things to get into.

    I'm having a blog party next Wed.- Top 10 (or whatever you have) projects for 2008. I'd love for you to join us, I think it will be a lot of fun.

  14. I'm not a "real hoarder", but would LOVE to pare down with you. I think if I felt accountable to someone, I would do a better job. Keep us all posted on your journey, and I'll join in!
    ~ Philicia

  15. What a great picture of your family. Way to use all the resources from the birds!!
