Friday, February 13, 2009

Won't You Be My Valentine?!!...and a Winner!

We decided to make our own simple Valentines this year for the kids' class Valentine's exchange!

I think they turned out so cute! :) I got all of the supplies at WalMart. I used Martha Stewart coasters (believe it or not!) and hot glued a heart shaped lollipop on top. On the back we wrote, "You're "Sweet"!"

Couldn't be more simple than this :)!!
(If you're wondering where we got the lollipops, they came from Sponge Bob valentine's package!)

The kids also made a Valentine for each of their teachers and teacher assistants.
But in lieu of another teacher gift, I decided this year to give a gift that ANY teacher would love and use, and the kids would enjoy too!!

A new book for the classroom library!

I think I'm gonna use this idea from now on!!

By the way, Y'all were SO sweet with your kind comments on my 100th post!!! It really means a lot to me that you enjoy visiting me here at The Blessed Nest! And I've LOVED getting to know so many of you through blogging! I also loved meeting some of my first time commenters...thanks, and I hope to hear from you again soon :)!!

So...Would You Be My Valentine??

I made an extra one just for you!

Now, on to the WINNER OF MY 100th POST GIVEAWAY!!!!

Can Tricia Anne of Notes of Sincerity get a whoot-whoooot!!!!
Congratulations to Tricia Anne!

Have a fabulously wonderfully LOVE-ly Valentine's Day tomm.!


  1. Congrats to the winner....and those are awesome Valentines..better than those dinky store bought ones....and more love was put into it....

  2. SO Precious...what a wonderful teacher gift idea too! Thanks for such inspiration! Hope you and your family have a wonderful Valentine's weekend!


  3. Dearest Stacey,
    I am so excited! Thank you so much!
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  4. How fun and creative...coasters??wow!

    Congrats to Tricia Anne...Happy Heart day to you!
    -sandy toe

  5. What cute valentines! I don't think they could of been any easier!! Love the idea of books, something that will get used year after year.

  6. Congrats to Tricia Ann!

    Adorably simple Valentines! We opted to go without candy this year...they just get so much every Holiday!

  7. Cute valentines and as a teacher I love when I get new classroom books!

  8. Sweet Valentines that you made! It is wonderful to give the teachers something they will use. Very thoughtful. I did that at Christmas time for our teacher. The kids loved all of the neat educational items I got for the classroom.
    :) J

  9. LOVE those valentines, classy, simple, inexpensive... but they don't look cheap!!! Great teacher idea, Congrats to the winner, and Thanks for our very own valentine.

    This is what I did for our kids' Valentine's this year. C'mon over!:


  10. Now that is one lucky winner! Stacey, I have launched a new blog, please stop by.


  11. Cute idea on the suckers and congrats to the winner!!

  12. Congrats to the winner and Happy Valentines to you too!

  13. Those are the sweetest (no pun intended) Valentine's!

    And congratulations to Tricia Anne!

  14. cute valentines! and i love that little book - i read it to my class yesterday. 'the night before easter' is cute too if you ever have the chance to pick it up.
    have a great valentines day!

  15. What a creative idea! I definitely think homemade Valentine's have a sweet sentiment about them that is lost in the store bought ones. And the book for the library is a fantastic idea!

  16. As a teacher, I thank you for sharing your excellent idea for THE perfect gift that all teachers love! Making your own valentines give kids a valuable lesson in using their most precious resources - their brain and their hands - rather than money. Cute!!!

  17. Hi sweet friend! Hope you're well... Wanted to see if you had any free time soon. I'm free Thursday for coffee if that works for you:)

  18. I just love the idea of you giving a gift book to the library inhonor of the teacher. What a wonderful idea! I worked in the school system for several years and every book drive or book sale we had my family would purchase a few for the classroom and the library. It was well rec'd by all.
    The homemade valentines were clever. Every child loves a sucker.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!
