Monday, June 15, 2009

Creating A Welcoming Home -- Summer

Yay, it's SUMMERTIME!!!

Enjoy this Summer by paying attention to these "little joys" in your life! :)

Sight: A flag waving in the breeze, watching the kids fly a kite, pretty blue hydrangeas in bloom, a "Welcome" sign on the front door, switching your decor to light and bright, sunlight sparkling on the morning dew, fireflies blinking in the evening, kids blowing bubbles and drawing with sidewalk chalk, waving to a passing neighbor when you're outside!

Sound: Listening to local marching bands in the town parade, kids laughing in the backyard, the slam of a screen door, free local concerts, the crackle of a campfire, the splash of water in the pool, friends chatting while gathered around your patio table.

Smell: Flowers fresh from the garden in a pretty vase, a fruit pie fresh from the oven, the tropical scent of sunscreen, freshly mowed grass, charcoals cookin' up burgers & brats, the salty air by the ocean.

Taste: S'mores made by the campfire, veggies fresh from the garden, a popsicle made by sticking a popsicle stick in a dixie cup with juice & freezing, fresh squeezed lemonade made by kids at a lemonade stand, herbs from the windowsill, slices of watermelon, pizza every Friday night with the family.

Touch: A vintage tablecloth covering your outside table, a cool glass of sweet tea, the breeze of a ceiling fan circling overhead, picking up shells at the beach, being wrapped in a warm towel after getting out of the pool, placing your hand over your heart in patriotic pride!

Take time this Summer to notice & experience the little joys in life!

{all photos courtesy of Country Living Magazine}


  1. Beautiful pics. Beleive it or not, that black truck is exactly what I have been looking for. It's the farm girl in me. LOL But, I heart them, and I want mine black, too.

    I love Summer, but I hate the humidity and the bugs. ugh!

    But I love, love watermelon, tomatoes, the beach and grilling! yum!

    Nice post. Thanks!

  2. Those are definitely my favorite things about summer.

  3. I love summer too. I spent many summers in the south with my grandparents and I remember hating the humidity and bugs. Here are summers are mild...but I'm still waiting for summer. Come quickly!

  4. ~Wonderful post and ideas for summer fun Stacey! :)

  5. Your photos are just fantastic. Summer is a magical time for me, too. I love the warm (hot and humid sometimes) days here in Missouri.

    Thanks for sharing.


  6. Your list is fantastic....there are SO MANY things to love about summer, but the main one is this: simple happiness!

  7. Beautiful! I wish Summer would get here...we have had one thunder storm after another...rain rain..which we usually do not get. cherry

  8. I loved looking at all of your inspirational pics! I love summer!

  9. Missed this one yesterday---was on airport pick-up duty. ;) I can't smell (like, ever), but I can sure appreciate the sights, tastes, and sounds. :)

  10. You are so right, we do need to pay attention to the lil sweet things of life. We need to be looking for all that is right in our life and world, cause their is
    plenty of negativity, but we can find the positive if we are only looking for t.
    Good Post and Good reminder.
    Blessings, Nellie
