Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Warning...

Just a warning to my dear friends...the past day or two I have been receiving spam comments from someone on several past posts. These are from a male, with highlighted chinese/japanese characters (not in english). If you see this in the comments on either my blog OR on your blog, DO NOT CLICK ON IT!!! It will open to a site that is NOT suitable (I'm not saying more, for fear that google will pop up more junk) for ANYONE to see. Just delete immediately if on your blog. I am going through all past posts to check for more, and if it continues I'll have to moderate comments, unfortunately.

I just wanted to let you know, so you won't be as surprised as I was!!!


  1. Hi Stacey. I wanted to read this post and I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this problem, but I can't seem to see any words through your background. Has anyone else mentioned this to you?? I love your blog and you always have great posts. I just noticed this the last post you had and again with this one....? Thanks for the warning on the spam. ~~Kim

  2. Stacey, Crystal at Olive Rue said she had similar problems. I hope this will stop! I'm sorry it happened to you.


  3. Kim,

    I haven't noticed any problems with the background. Maybe it just was taking a while to load? Anyone else having trouble reading my blog?


  4. Thanks for the warning. I will have to go back and make sure on mine too.

  5. Hi Stacey, Oh thank you so much for the warning! It's just awful that stuff like that happens!!


  6. So weird! I hope it stops soon. I took off the word verification on my comments page, and I did get one stupid spammer, but nothing after that. I hope it stops soon! :(

  7. Yikes!! Thanks for the warning.

  8. Yikes!! Thanks for the warning.
