Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Master Bedroom "Before" Pics

Whew! I made it!! I am now a resident of Illinois!! :)
What a week!

Hubby and I got the keys to our new house last evening, and today we spent the day cleaning and cleaning and cleaning (!)
and painting our master bedroom!

Above and Below are the
"Before" pics:

Ok, I told you this house was going to need some decorating help! :)

Notice all of the peachy-orangey-brown paint. It's much yuckier looking in person, let me tell you.

Our moving van arrives tomorrow, and our bedroom furniture is SO heavy that it was really easier to paint the room now, before the furniture gets here.

Well, it's now the most lovely shade!
Can you guess what I went with??

I'll show you the "After" pictures nest, oops, I mean NEXT time!


  1. Hi Stacey,
    I actually just returned home from being in Illinois visiting my parents. I am an Illinois girl. Are you looking forward to the fall and winters again? Illinois is a lot like Ohio, we have beautiful falls!!

    Can't wait to see your new bedroom and everything else!!


  2. I am thinking it must be something like a nest color!!!????? Brown, blue?????

  3. congrats chick! Can't wait to see u transform it. cherry

  4. Glad you all got there safely. I'm guessing Tobacco Road!

  5. My guess is in the bluish family. Can't wait to see the after pics! :)

  6. Oh yes, you must post before and afters of everything as you go. How interesting for us to see the progress.

    Also, My family is from Illinois and I have wonderful memories of my visits as a child to my great grandparents house.

    Blessings on your new digs

  7. Hi Stacey! Welcome Home! So glad you and your family made it safely. When we moved out here to Illinois, the hubs and I closed on our house a few days before the furniture came too. We needed to do lots of painting too.
    I am thinking the new bedroom color is a beautiful shade of at a spa.

  8. I can't believe you are there....I know you are going to have a blast fixing up your nest and we will love seeing every little thing you do. :)

  9. I am thinking cocoa brown.

    I love a new slate to work with!

  10. So glad you made it... I can't wait to see the after pics.. Leslie

  11. Congratulations...can't believe it's finally a reality!! I am waiting with baited breath to see the transformation....I know it will rock!
    Nerina xOxO

  12. Welcome to the midwest! I love the process of transforming a new home, so fun to make it yours....I am guessing you painted the room a grey/blue...Can't wait to see it! Will you be coming to Minnesota for the Ki's Junk Bonanza??? I will be there! Would love to meet up... Jill

  13. I can't wait to see the after pics after you've put your magic touch on it all!

  14. How exciting! A new house and all those rooms to decorate! I don't know what color you chose but I'm sure it'll be fabulous!


  15. Welcome to Illinois Stacey.
    Glad you all arrived in one piece
    and things are going well. I am
    guessing you painted your bedroom
    a nice shade of blue. Looking forward to seeing your pics tomorrow and hope your furniture comes on time.
    Blessings Hon,
    I know you will make it home sweet home for your family,

  16. Can't wait to see all your ideas for this new house!
    Leigh Ann

  17. Welcome to Illinois! I live in the Chicagoland area so feel free to e-mail me if you need any tips or good shopping spots :) I can't wait to see the after photos of your new bedroom!
