Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What Do YOU Collect?

Ever come upon something that is so wonderful you just want to slow down to savor every bit of it?

I just picked it up yesterday afternoon & am only partway through,
but I am seriously in love!

The photos, the writing, the projects, the mix of styles, the attention to every last detail...this is a BEAUTIFUL magazine!

And I haven't been able to say that about a magazine in quite a while!

I was thrilled that one of their pieces was about floral frogs!

I have collected them for several years {see pic below} partly due to my love for gardening, and partly because I am drawn to the variety of these little flower arranging "helpers". Some are spiked metal, some smooth glass, others twirl and swirl, while still other floral frogs are actually shaped like an animal!

What a fun thing to collect!

I love it!!

Do YOU have a favorite collection you've picked up while junking/thrifting/flea-ing?!

Or is there a collection you dream of starting?


  1. I collect dust, dirty laundry, single socks... No seriously, I don't collect much anymore. I used to in my earlier more country primitive junk everywhere days. But now I don't like too much clutter. I do love old books, and white creamers.

  2. I want to start collecting unique plates and platters! I have to go get my copy of the magazine!!

  3. I have a cross collection that I just love. Seems like a lot of people collect crosses these days, but still. I do love them.

    You know what I'd really love to collect? Old church windows. I have one reproduction. . . it was the inspiration for my blogicon. . . but I would just love a collection of these. Maybe some day!

  4. That is a great collection, and useful too. My newest collection is white dishes and pitchers, new or old. I also have collections of antique blue mason jars and wooden spools.

  5. I don't collect much - except smurfs figures. However, I do want to start collecting Christmas villages so hopefully I can create my own Christmas village this year.

  6. I collect tiny white dogs. We have a beautiful white huskey (have had other huskies in the past) but love the little white knicknack ones.

    God Bless,
    Legacy Crafter

  7. I think I was the only 13 yo in history to request ironstone for Christmas. Haha...so true! I use to collect vintage teacups and saucers with my mom, but now that I am in pharmacy school...you better believe antique mortar and pestals are after my heart.


  8. I started collecting Madame Alexander dolls when I was a kid, and that got me in trouble b/c now I feel like I have to display them. :s

    I love to display my Nutcracker collection at Christmastime.

    That magazine looks great!!

  9. i collect ironstone and tarnished silver pieces. oh, can't forget the blue bell jars and vintage music books! i think i have a problem! i can't wait tell i can find a copy of the magazine.

  10. Hmmm. I guess I don't intentionally collect any one thing. I have a group of copper pieces, some toleware, and several signs. Huh. Maybe I do collect things. :)

  11. I collect teapots!! I started my collection when I was in elementary school after visiting a tearoom with my mom. Since then I've been collecting more and traveling around the state to different tea rooms. I love it and it's so unique!

  12. I collect flower frogs too, love them! I have a garden themed bathroom, also collect old brass garden hose nozzles.

  13. I am looking forward to seeing a copy of this new magazine! :o)

  14. I can never resist a good piece of transferware or silver.
