Monday, February 9, 2009

My 100th Post & A Giveaway!!!

Yay, it's The Blessed Nest's 100th Post Giveaway!!!

Visiting with y'all here at The Blessed Nest has been such a HUGE blessing for me! I have loved getting to share heart and home inspiration, having some creative fun, and making lots of lovely new friends!!

In order to say "Thank You", I'm having a GIVEAWAY!!!

Sign up to win on THIS POST ONLY, and you are entered to win!
You have until Friday morning when I wake up to enter!

And you could win....
...all of this!!!

A 5x7 black picture frame
A cute little "Home is where your story begins" plaque
A sweet little nest (of course!) for your nest!!

This darling chalkboard!!!
It's on a stand, is great for little messages, and is also magnetic!
Plus, you can change out the ribbon whenever the mood strikes you!
Perfect for seasonal/holiday displays!!

And don't forget this too Southern tea towel!
It's white with a bright green trim, and it says
"Bon Appetit"!
Your kitchen will never look cuter!!

To add to the Goodie excitement,
how about a little caffeine?!!
A $15 Starbucks Giftcard!

Just enter your name here (don't forget your e-mail address if you don't have a blog), and all of this COULD BE YOURS!!!

Thanks SO much for making this such a fun time for me :), and I hope that maybe I've inspired y'all a little bit as well!

Much love and


southerninspiration said...

Oh, my goodness!! I am the first, so I get double entries, right???? ;)
Love your blog, and LOVE the giveaway! Great things you are sharing!!! Wahoo!


Jocelyn said...

I'm a lurker coming out for what else? The giveaway! I do love your blog, though. Thanks for all you share!

Shell in your Pocket said...

Oh my GRACIOUS! That chalkboard is so very sweet!!! What a wonderful and fun giveaway!!! Please throw me in the "pot"! Just seeing the Starbucks gift card makes me want a light mocha...I am an addict! I am! I am!
-sandy toe

Gypsy aka Tam said...

Congratulations on your 100th post!!! What a cute giveaway, please count me in.
Have a wonderful evening,

Lesley said...

Congrats...that is an awesome accomplishment...and your blog is one of my I'm looking forward to the next 100 posts...definitely put my name in...

Kimba said...

Great giveaway! That chalkboard is adorable.


WhisperWood Cottage said...

100 posts already!? You are amazing! I've loved every one of them! We are all blessed to be part of The Blessed Nest!


Terry said...

Congrats on the 100th post! I check your blog daily! Please enter me in the drawing for all the great items!

Shilo said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! That's wonderful! Looking forward to the next 100! :)

duchess said...

Wow. What a fabulous giveaway.
Congrats on 100!!
Thanks for the chance.

Cheryl Connell said...

Congrats! That chalkboard is so cute!


Melody said...

Congratulations on your 100th post. What a fantastic giveaway. :)

bandanachick said...

Love your blog! Its always so inspirational!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Bonnie said...

I really enjoy your blog! Even one of the items would have been a fun give away.

Amber B. said...

That is so fun! Enter me, please!

{darlene} said...

Congratulations on 100 posts!! Love your blog, friend! and very cute giveaway items!!

pick me,pick me.

Anonymous said...

How generous! Congratulations on your 100th post too. I love reading your blog.

kelly said...

Love the chalk board and all of the other goodies!! Love your blog too!!!

Terri Steffes said...

Please enter me as well! I am a lurker coming out to say hi!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 100th post. Love your blog! :)

Kendra said...

i'm delurking because i love what you're giving away and to say i love your blog! thanks for all your great ideas!

Amber B. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah & Chance Bendel said...

OOh how exciting, I adore that chalk board! Too cute! I really enjoy reading your blog. Here's to another 100 posts!

Luke's GiGi said...

Thank-you for including me in the giveaway. I know where I will be placing that precious chalkboard!

Stacey said...

How sweet of you! Please enter me...I like it all. :)

The Busy Blaine's said...

I love your blog! Please sign me up.

Alison Mayes said...

Super cute! I hope I win!

Brian or Amy said...

What fun! I love it all!! : ) Congrats on 100!

Tara said...

WOW! That is so cool. I love all those things. These giveaways are such a neat idea. Hope I'm the blessed one.

Conny said...

congrats on 100 blogs - and what lovely items you have to give away!!!! I love each one :)

Amanda said...

Yeah 100 posts. Congrats! I enjoy your blog so much. Thanks:)

Betsy said...

Your blog is the best and congrats on your 100th post. I love the chalkboard. Where did you find it?

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Can I enter 100 times? This is amazing..WOWZA! My 100th just came and went, and I did was in the middle of a busy couple weeks. There are just a few more people I really wanted to be there, and you are definitely one of them, but since we live close...we'll meet soon. I am going to organize an NC gathering and already have bunches of people excited. I'll throw out a few dates to make sure you can come. Maybe in May.June?

Julie said...

What a cute giveaway I Love it! and that outfit from the last post is great:)

Anonymous said...

what a great giveaway! congrats on your 100th post. hope i win:)

jodieak said...

What a fun giveaway! Congrats on your 100th post!

Jodie P

Rae said...

Congratulations!!! What a wonderful giveaway!!!

Karol said...

Yey! Congrats on 100 posts. I love your blog. I love the items in your giveaway. So darling.

Karol :0)

Carrie said...

Congrats on your 100th post, Stacey!! I am lovin' all of the stuff in your giveaway. Please enter my name in the drawing, I would love to win!!


phillips phamily said...

You had me at the chalkboard! So fun!

Congratulations on your "anniversary"; it goes by fast, doesn't it?

the tattered nest said...

Yay! 100th post! congratulations...please enter me in this generous give a way!! you have a beautiful blog...

Heathahlee said...

I have just started reading your blog...I don't even think I've commented yet, but bring out the Starbucks and I'm a commenting queen! I love the chalkboard, too!

Ashley said...

ooh ooh ooh pick me, I love ALL of it! I also LOVE your blog ;)

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

Good heavens, what a boatload of goodies you're giving away! Thank you for this opportunity!

~ Sarah

Malisa said...

Congratulations on your big 100! Your give away is a winner! Thanks for the great pics!


Jen said...

Do internationals get to enter? If so... Count me in! Congrats on 100 posts!

julie & joe said...

I want to enter! I love your blog!!!!!

Fran. said...

Oh please enter me in your cute blog giveaway!! Your blog is so cute. Your gift you made for your daughters birthday, made me wish my daughter was a little girl again!! she's 18 now and in her first year of college!! My e-mail is Take care and thsnks, XOXO Fran.

The Mommy said...

Oh Yeahhhh! Congratulations on 100 totally amazing and fabulous posts! Looking forward to many more!!!

TriciaNae said...

how fun...what a great giveaway!!! love the blog...congrats on 100 posts!

Carry Grace said...

Congrats on 100 posts! Great giveaway.

Traci said...

I am very new to your blog and look forward to it daily. Very excited about the give away-especially that precious chalkboard! Hope I win!

Angie said...

Happy 100 posts Day! Time flies when you are havin fun, huh! Here's to 100 more!

Kristen said...

How exciting! Happy 100th. I just celebrated mine too. Hasn't this blogging community been wonderful? Here's to 100 more!

Melissa said...

Congratuations on your 100th post! I love your blog. I check in every day but I'm not sure if I've ever left a comment. (I'd read you even without a giveaway!)

I looove all the things in your giveway and am sending lots of energy out into the universe to bring those wonderful things into my nest.


Jenny said...

Add me in!! I LOVE the chalkboard! I am planning on doing a giveaway for my 100th post too, but at the rate I am going I am not sure when that will be!! Hope all is well with you!! Hugs! Jenny

Susan P. said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! What a wonderful and generous giveaway! Please put my name in the hat:)

DeDe Ray said...

Oh...I love that towel and chalkboard!!! Actually, I love it PLEASE enter me in your drawing. Congrats on the 100 posts and I love your blog!

Annie said...

Cute Loot!! Add my name to the list! Congrats on the 100th post!

Joy said...

What a cute chalkboard on a stand! The winner of your giveaway will be really lucky!

Nancy said...

You are too kind to host a giveaway! I only found your blog a few weeks ago, but I love every post. The winner will be super lucky :)


Congrats on 100 posts. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway. I'm crossing my fingers.... Maggie

Amber said...

Just found your blog a few days ago and have loved every minute of it! That chalk board is too cute! Please count me in!

ps congratulations on your 100th post!

Barb said...

I so need to win all this fab stuff,congrats on your 100th post....Barb

Mandy said...

How cute is this haul of goodies! It would look great in the new house.

Krissa said...

Love your blog!

sweet momma luv u said...

You have adorable things for your give away!! Congratulations on your 100th post!

I need to start thinking about this as it will sneak up on me pretty soon. Your blog is always full of fun things to do and share. Thank you.

Patsy said...

Congrats on your 100th post!! That's wonderful! Love this giveaway--hope to win, yah! :)

Neverfinished said...

Wow! A giveaway! I am quite new to your blog but I love it and look forward to reading it! I even stop work to check it out! LOL..don't tell my boss! I never win anything so maybe it's my turn? :) Thanks for the inspiration!!

Heather said...

That chalkboard is so stinkin' cute! Great giveaway!

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

Congrats on your 100th post! I just recently celebrated my 100th post as well. Hope I win!

RosyRose said...

I love a great give away...and this is a great give away:)!
I love you and your blog too!
GO #72!!!!!

Candice said...

I too am a lurker. Your blog is great!!


Lisa said...

Love your blog, congrats on your 100th post!

lilylakemom at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would be so excited if I won this little package, I love absolutely everything.


Shanda said...

Happy 100th Post! I am coming up on mine soon too. I have enjoyed all of your ideas, creativity, and your very sweet spirit.

So many fantastic things in your give away!! I'd love to be entered!



Lady Dorothy said...

Congratulations on the 100 posts!

What fabulous things you are giving away! I adore that chalkboard!

mamma of 2 said...

pick me!!!

Unknown said...

I have never seen so many comments on someones blog as yours. Lucky girl. Please enter me too. Love that towel. mishelle

The Gomez Bunch said...

Congrats on all your 100 posts! Please enter me! I loove it all (especially the chalkboard!)

Christine said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! I just had my first give-a-way and it was so much fun!

oliveoyl64 said...

LUUUURVE IT! Thanks and congrats on 100 posts.

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Congratulations on your 100th post and may there be many more! Love the give away! That little chalkboard is too cute!


Kristyn Knits said...

I just found your blog! lucky me! loving what I've found so far.

Kim P said...

Please enter me! I love your blog!

Amber said...

What a lovely giveaway!

Erica said...

yay for 100 posts! Love your inspiration. =)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 100 posts! What a generous giveaway!

Stacy Orndorff said...

You're blog is very inspirational. Congrats on 100 posts. I just recently found you and LOVE your site. Can't wait to win your goods!

Decor To Adore said...

I adore that little chalkboard. In the event that my finger crossing does not work, could you let me know where you found it?

philben5 said...

Count me in!! What a lovely giveaway and thanks for all of the inspiration you send our way!

Sara said...

Oooh, what a great giveaway! Congratulations on 100 posts!

maryanne420 said...

congratulations on your 100th post. yes, you have inspired me with all of your posts (thoughts, ideas, creativity) so THANK YOU!

Sam said...

i just adore your blog.. i am actually in awe of most things on it.. and am trying to replicate a ton of your sun room.. and how sweet to do a give-away.. love it

happy 100th posting!


Brenda said...

Sounds so fun! Thank you! I love your ideas and inspiration!

Richard and Carlie said...

Your blog is wonderful! I feel so inspired when I read. I'd like to get in on the goodies!

Anonymous said...

Love this blog and LOVE all the goodies!

ME said...

My first post on any blog...could not resist the chalkboard!

stitching under oaks said...

a friend tipped me off to your blog. it looks lovely...i'll be back to visit often. congrats on your 100th post.

Shannon said...

What an awesome giveaway!! I was about to do my 200th post and was going to give one of those chalkboards away too! How funny! Although, I couldn't find one at the store I usually get them so I had to go with something else. :) Please enter me!!

To The Moon and Back said...

Oh my! What beauties. Please enter me in the giveaway! Love your blog & thanks for sharing all your tips.

deb said...

Congrats on the 100th post. Isn't blogging fun? I love reading creative blogs. I'm happy to have found yours by way of the Nester's holiday open house.

FatihaUSA said...

Wow my first giveaway since I started my blog although it's in french. I hope this will bring me luck. Can wait for the results, and by the way I loooove your blog

JudyBug said...

I enjoy your blog...what cute giveaways you have!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the 100th post. What a great giveaway, I hope I win!

breanne said...

how fun!

Wendy said...

What a great giveaway! Coming out of lurkdom to enter...

Thanks for all your great ideas. ♥

Our Complete Family said...

What a great giveaway! Your blog has been great for the 1st 100 posts and I know it will be great for the next 100 posts!
Count me in hun!
Happy day wishes~ Les

Janice said...

I'm glad I came to see what was going on. Cute items in the giveaway. I love the chalkboard.
I hope I win!!

aggiemomof2 said...

Congrats on your 100th post!

Unknown said...

Oh, I love everything!
Thanks too for all your inspiration!

Life's a Joy said...

Oh you're a doll. That chalkboard is so cute. I have never seen anything like it. Thankyou for all the inspiration you give us.

Carolyn G said...

Holy cow what a wonderful giveaway!!! I love it. THanks so much.

Kasey said...

Love your blog!

SoBella Creations said...

Wow what a fun giveaway. The chalkboard is super sweet. Love your blog and Congrats on your 100th post.

1shabbychick said...

So wonderful and sweet of you!~love your blog~sign me up

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cathy said...


I would love to be entered!!!!! YEAH!!!!

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

Way to go, 100th post.Please enter me,, such nice things. I love your blog by the way! Thanks for sharing

Lisa said...

Yay! Cute stuff and congrats!

Mandi Shandi said...

So glad to see you have reached 100 posts. I am almost there and will have to do a fabulous giveaway too! I'm feeling lucky!

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Oh gosh, what a fabulous giveaway! I'd love to be entered.

P.S. I'm on the verge of having my own giveaway sometime this week. Please stop over!

Awake said...


Wendy said...

What a fun giveaway! Congrats on 100 wonderful posts!

As We Are said...

I started reading your blog a few weeks ago and love the ideas and decorating! I would love to win!! Thanks!

Kami @ Home of 5 said...

Oh I love all these things! I've just started my love of all things bird and the nest would be perfect!!

Empty Nest Full Life said...

Oh goodness, add me to your long list of entries. Those goodies look great, and thanks for offering us so much inspiration! Jackie

Anonymous said...

I came over via Rhoda,,,,pls enter my name...what a fabulous giveaway.

All the best,
Kathy :)

Tangee said...

How sweet of you!!!! It is all so cute and I've seen those chalkboards all over blogdom, how in the heck do I get one?

Jennifer Drury said...

Love your blog. I just found it recently!! I love all of your wonderful ideas.


chunnym said...

I LOVE your blog and would LOVE to win the beautiful treasures! Congrats on your 100th blog!
Love~ Philicia

Samantha said...

Congratulations! I love your blog and your blog template. What a nice giveaway!

Pocket Full of Prettys said...

Congrats on your 100th post. Just found your blog and have enjoyed looking around. Great giveaway! Renea

Jules from "The Roost" said...

Yea!!!! We get to celebrate with you! Congratulations!

trish said...

Oh my what a gracious give away! I would be so happy if you put my name into the mix.
Kind thoughts to you! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

CarJax said...

You have a sweet blog. I love your blessed nest. Count me in for the give-away. And thanks so much. Hugs from AK, Jax

Tina said...

What a nice giveaway! I'm glad I decided to pop in today to see what you've been up to. Blessings and Happy Valentines Day!
Thanks for including me in the drawing for your giveaway.

Jennifer @ Her Southern Charm said...

oh my gosh! i want it alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! :) thanks so much for being so generous! you rock!

Kim @ Forever Wherever said...

I love that little chalkboard...way too cute!

Steph said...

Congrats on reaching a 100! I recently found your blog and really enjoy it.

Nancy Rosalina said...

Oh, I want to enter! That is a wonderful giveaway! Congrats on 100 posts! Nancy

Lau's said...

hi! the chalkboard is sooo cute!!! please enter my name! (I just foung your blog from the "Bless our Nest" blog.

Sherri said...

I LOVE your room makeover. I may just have to write that paint name down. I thought about a yellow or green for my kitchen and I am diggin that color! What a SWEET giveaway and CONGRATS on your 100th post! Happy blogging ON.

rebecca said...

what an awesome giveaway! I'm crossing my fingers:)

Jules said...

Oh my goodness! What goodies :)I love all of your entries... too cute :)

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Now THAT is a giveway!! :)

Farmer's Wife said...

pick meeeeeeeeee...I love to lurk on your blog. Molly

Unknown said...

Wow...that's a BUNCH of GREAT giveaway goodies! And the outfit you made your baby girl for her birthday....TOO CUTE!

I love browsing your's great fun!

Rachel said...

I just recently found your blog and have been enjoying it. Your daughter's birthday outfit is so cute. I have two (soon to be 3) little girls and will be trying to make them some cute little t-shirts and hairbows. Hope she enjoyed her special day.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! I have been following you for awhile! Thanks for everything that you share! God Bless! Audrey

Unknown said...

Oh yay!!! Please oh please pick me!!! :-) I could use some bloggy goodness!

Feel free to enter my 100th giveaway. Going on utnil Friday. :-)

Thanks so much for the oportunity!!

Halfpint said...

I must have that chalkboard!!!

cherry said...

Holy smoly! Great give-away! Too cute. cherry

Denise said...

I love being inspired by your blog. Oh and I love that chalkboard!

Dawn said...

Hi there! I just stumbled upon your blog tonight. It's great... and so is that giveaway!


Stephanie said...

I would love to have a blog, but I use a public computer so I don't have the privacy to download or the time available, but I love following your blog and so many others. Love your style. What neat things for the giveaway!


Erika said...

Oh I hope I'm not too late!! Congrats on 100 posts! Please pick me!

Anne said...

Love the chalk board message thing.

Glitter & Bliss said...

Well, I have my fingers crossed..

Two Little Tots said...

Love your blog! Thanks for sharing with all of us!


Laura said...

I just found your site linked from another blog, and I love it! You have a lovely style, and I'll be back a lot! Best wishes to you for another wonderful 100 posts!

Stacia said...

Lurker here! Just found your blog a few weeks ago and I love it! So many ideas for me to dress up my little apartment nest! After the Christmas stuff went away I was feeling the need to spruce our place up and you have helped so much!

Marlana said...

What adorable gifts! I hope I win! I LOVE the little chalkboard. Thanks for such great goodies!

Anonymous said...

Happy 100th post! Thanks for sharing your inspirations!

LeeAnn said...

Hi! I just found your blog today! What a giveaway! I love the chalkboard, and I can't get enough Starbucks!!!!

Mrs. J said...

i wanna win! count me in!

Station 521 said...

Congratulations! Love your blog and all your creative ideas.


Jessica said...

We all love having you on bloggy land too!!! I always look forward to your postings! What a very generoud giveaway! I would might even let my hubby have the giftcard, he LOVES coffee!!!

Teri said...

It's a celebration! 100th POST!! Congrats! We are all celebrating with you.... not only have we been lucky enough to have read most, if not all of them, but we are here for the wonderful giveaway items! Your blog is a true delight! Thank you.

Under HIS Wings said...

thanks for the great blog!

Les said...

Congrats on 100 posts! Beautiful things! Love your blog.

Allison said...

Pick me Pick me

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! I love the little chalkboard.

Cathy said...

Congrats!! I enjoy your blog. This is a very generous giveaway!!!

lauren said...

Count me in please!

Deb said...

Congratulations on your 100th post. I'd love to be entered in your generous giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Congrat's on your 100th post! I look forward to 100 more!
Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage

Crafty Niche said...

Congrats on your 100th post! Your giveaway prizes are SO cute! (my blog)